Friday, 11 April 2008

Two sightings in two days

So, the strange post-publication limbo continues. Have stopped going into the shops after not being able to find Bride Hunter in two branches of WH Smith – after seeing copies of everyone else’s books in there. ah well…

But then had two reports of people reading the novel, one on the Tube yesterday, and one in the departure lounge of Gatwick Airport today (this news delivered by text message). The Tube reader was smiling, apparently. I managed to stop short of asking what page they seemed to be on, or what kind of smile it was (wry? pleasant? or a huge grin)

I know how sad this sounds, but I am willing to bet that all authors except the stratospherically successful ones will relate to it. When I worked in television, the audience figures came back the following morning, and as well as the numbers, you often got stats too from the Appreciation Index, explaining how much viewers had enjoyed (or not enjoyed) the novel. For authors, it’s a much more gradual thing. A book may be bought, but then sit on your bedside table alongside half a dozen others. Or it could be competing with work deadlines, or an abandoned copy of Hello you found on the Tube (and the latest pictures of Kerry are hard to resist, after all). Now, if only I could get a picture of a celeb reading the book, I'd be made!

Meanwhile, I am taking a bit of a break from the latest book. It hasn’t quite been working – admitting that to myself was a toughie, but I am now excited about going in a new direction with it, and researching the subject. Watch this space!


HelenMWalters said...

I found it in WH Smith in Bedford! Really enjoyed reading it, by the way.

Astarte said...
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Astarte said...

Bought the book in WHSmiths in Teesside (sorry, not very glamorous). Had the lovliest Saturday in ages curled up on my new sofa voraciously reading, drinking tea and eating florentines.

What happens to Sam - she's an interesting character in her own right. Obviously she has her fun fling but then what. Why is she so uncollected when it comes to relationships. I thought that she and Marcus might make a good couple????

papudiviz said...

Just finished your exquisite book - délicieux! Got mesmerized by your writing style... do you already have a translator in Italy? Because, otherwise, I'd love to be the one and switch from my legalese-translating job to something more intriguing! Just tell me what I should do (write to your English publisher? your Italian would-be publisher?) and I'll do!
PS: I've begun to smell bread everywhere...